Friday 15 July 2011

First Day Teaching in Amala

The students taught in the primary school yesterday for the first time.  Grouped in pairs, each pair taught two primary classes each.  Whilst each class was meant to have a teacher, they sometimes found themselves teaching on their own to a group of VERY enthusiastic children.  I think at least every pair had at least one good group lesson.  After school the boys played cricket with the children and were very surprised when a ball landed high in a coconut tree and one of the boys quickly shimmied up the tree and effortlessly retrieved the ball.  The girls played with the children dancing and having lots of fun.  As usual we had excellent food in the evening cooked by Victoria.  Raja and I have hatched an idea to bring her over to the UK, set up a restaurant with produce sourced by the children's home.  I can see a chain of restaurants now.  Indeed, Raydale Preserves has a chutney called Victoria's Spice from one of her recipes here in Amala.

This evening the boys are being challenged to a basketball match with the High School Boys at 4 pm and then in the evening we are off to see the famous temples in nearby Vriddicuchlum

We are all still very hot and enjoyed a burst of monsoon rain yesterday evening - just don't stand underneath a coconut tree when the wind is blowing!  The local Lions Club came this evening to honour Raja and a group photograph is attached.  It is wonderful to see so much charity and community work going on locally.